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Repair or Replace Your HVAC? How to Know


You notice something strange with your HVAC unit, but you’re not sure whether the problem will be as simple as a quick repair call or as significant as a complete replacement. Strong indicators, such as age, repair frequency, and energy costs, can give you an idea whether you should repair or replace your Milton, Georgia, home’s HVAC unit.

Age of Your HVAC System

Older systems run less efficiently than newer models. You’ll notice a smaller return on your investment when you’re making costly repairs.

If your air conditioner is more than 10 years old, or your furnace is greater than 15 years old, you’re probably better off with a replacement than a repair. Although the new unit may cost more up-front, you’ll benefit from future energy savings.

Repair Frequency

If you have to repair your HVAC system several times a year, you’re probably investing as much in your old system as you would in a replacement.

However, you’ll still want to schedule an annual maintenance visit with an HVAC technician. During this inspection, your technician can give you an idea of what to expect with typical repairs over the coming months and years. If several parts look like they’ll need replacement, start thinking about whether you’d prefer replacing the unit itself instead.

Costs on Energy Bills

If your energy bills are steadily increasing while your home comfort continues to decline, you might need a more efficient HVAC unit for your home.

First, check your ductwork. Leaky ducts can cause humidity problems, stir up excessive dust, and add to high energy bills. If sealing and insulating your ducts doesn’t resolve the issues, start investigating more efficient HVAC systems for your home.

Although a new heater or air conditioner is a significant expense, the right equipment will pay you back in energy savings. Whether you’re seeking a major unit replacement or a small system repair, the service professionals at E. Smith Heating & Air Conditioning can help. For reliable service when you need it, call us at 678-369-8866.

Image provided by Shutterstock

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