Is Your Air Conditioner Installed in the Right Place?


The outdoor unit of your Alpharetta, Georgia, home’s air conditioner needs to sit in the right spot to provide the most efficient heating and cooling. External factors, like sunlight and leaves, can interfere with how your unit works and force it to work harder. This extra wear and tear will lead to more necessary maintenance. 

Is it in a Shady Spot?

The south or southwest side of the house is a terrible spot for the air conditioner. The sun beats down hardest during the hottest part of the day, which means the AC unit itself gets hot and has to work harder than it should. The air around the AC unit, which is cooled and pumped into your home, is also hotter and gives the AC even more work to do. The north or east side of your house is the best place for the AC, preferably beneath some shade. 

Are Any Trees or Shrubs Around?

Tall trees provide shade, but they also cause leaves to fall on your AC unit. This debris can lower the efficiency of your AC unit. If your AC is near a tree, make sure you clean the leaves that fall on and around it. 

If you have bushes or shrubs hiding your AC unit, you should remove them in favor of a fence with intentional gaps between the slats or make sure they are trimmed well to not interfere with the air flow. The heat exhaust your AC releases comes out of the sides of the unit, which means when you plant things too close they block the air. You’ll also have to deal with more debris in and around the unit, which can end up inside the unit and cause problems.

If you bought your house and the current AC was already installed, give E. Smith Heating and Air Conditioning a call at 678-369-8866. Our trained technicians will check the placement of your AC unit, recommend maintenance, and give you pointers on maintenance tasks you can do yourself.

Image provided by Shutterstock

Due to the extreme winter storm approaching, our offices and operations will be closed on Friday 1/10 and we will reopen as soon as it is safe to do so. Please call (678) 369-8866 to leave us a message and we will get back to you as soon as we are open.

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