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How Does Indoor Air Quality Impact My Business in Dallas, GA?


If you’re looking for the best indoor air quality services in Dallas, GA, then you probably know that there are a lot of health risks associated with poor air quality. Below are a few things to help you understand the dangers of poor indoor air quality and how it can impact your business.

1. Positive Effect on Health

Many people are not good at noticing poor air quality. Your employees may not realize how much better it smells in your building, but they’ll feel the benefits of healthy indoor air.

2. Reduces Sickness

Poor air quality negatively impacts your employees. It can make them sick by causing respiratory infections, allergies, asthma attacks and other issues. This results is your business losing money because your employees are either absent from work or not productive at work.

3. Increases Productivity

When your employees feel good, they’re more productive. They work hard and enjoy their job. Poor indoor air quality leads to unnecessary sick days and a lowering of morale within the workplace.

4. Saves Money

Poor indoor air quality is costly when it comes to health care or unnecessary replacements. It may be that your building’s air quality is not up to code or has become unclean due to neglect. The cost of poor air quality is more than money. These costs are also time-consuming.

5. Increases Business

In addition to the increased productivity, employees are more likely to want to return to work more often. When your staff is happy, they offer customers excellent service.

Customers are then more likely to spend money on your products and services. A happy workforce means a successful business.

The bottom line is indoor air quality can have an impact on your business. Poor air quality can decrease productivity, increase health care costs, lose visitors and result in less than enthusiastic employees. If you need help to combat poor indoor air quality with professional HVAC services, hire our experienced technicians at E. Smith Heating & Cooling who have the right schooling and the right equipment to keep your building’s air fresh.

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