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Is HVAC Maintenance Really Necessary?


Did you know that HVAC systems operate better with annual maintenance check-ups? Annual HVAC maintenance cannot be overlooked if you want greater energy efficiency, lower monthly bills, and a longer-lasting HVAC system. Thankfully, if you live in Georgia, with one call you can have a professional team of HVAC technicians visit your home for routine inspections and maintenance.

If you’re still wondering if HVAC maintenance is really necessary, here are a few reasons why it is so important.

Improved Energy Efficiency

Poor energy efficiency leads to higher monthly energy bills. Why? A dirty and poorly maintained HVAC system requires more energy to operate at the same efficiency as a properly cared for unit. This means that the same equipment is using more energy and driving up monthly energy bills unnecessarily. You can avoid paying more every month by having your HVAC routinely checked to make sure it’s operating at optimum efficiency.

An HVAC System You Can Depend On

Summer in Georgia is known for being very hot. The last thing you want is to have your HVAC break down in the middle of a Georgia summer afternoon! You don’t have to live with uncertainty, wondering whether your HVAC can carry you through summer. Thanks to regular maintenance, you’ll be able to enjoy life with peace of mind knowing that your HVAC’s needs have been met by professionals.

Maintenance Promotes Safer HVAC Systems

Do you know that HVAC systems can be dangerous? For example, if you have a furnace and cracks appear in the heat exchanger, there is a risk of carbon monoxide gas escaping and leaking into your home. In the U.S. alone, carbon monoxide gas killed 5,149 people between 1999 and 2010. That’s not all, but damaged parts such as a broken belt can cause fires if the unit is not properly serviced.

For all your HVAC maintenance check-ups contact E. Smith Heating & Air Conditioning. We are one of the leading HVAC service providers in the area. Call us today at 678-369-8866.

Image provided by Shutterstock

Due to the extreme winter storm approaching, our offices and operations will be closed on Friday 1/10 and we will reopen as soon as it is safe to do so. Please call (678) 369-8866 to leave us a message and we will get back to you as soon as we are open.

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