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Buying a New Air Conditioner? Choose One With the Energy Star Logo


That sharp little blue and white Energy Star logo is probably something you’re already familiar with, but do you really know what it means? If you’re a little vague on what you can expect from Energy Star products, a quick primer will have you itching to install one of these units in your own home.

What Is Energy Star?

Energy Star is the Environmental Protection Agency’s energy efficiency program. The coveted Energy Star label is only awarded to those products that meet the EPA’s strict standards, including delivering increased energy efficiency. Homeowners can recoup additional costs associated with purchasing the unit through lower energy bills, as well as enjoy superior energy consumption and performance, which is verified through testing.

Energy Star requirements are regularly assessed so these products are always those at the top of their class. If 50 percent or more of a market category begins achieving a higher standard, the requirements are reassessed to continually encourage improvement.

Benefits for Homeowners

Products with the Energy Star logo are better for the environment. By using Energy Star equipment, homeowners have kept nearly two billion metric tons of greenhouses gasses from polluting the atmosphere over the last 20 years. These products also benefit homeowners directly by reducing their energy costs. Energy Star products consistently lower homeowners’ energy bills. A new air conditioner can reduce energy costs by at least $115 a year.

Energy Efficient Updates

If you’re installing new Energy Star products in your home, make sure you’re working with an HVAC contractor who has the proper credentials. These trained professionals know how to use best practice standards to maximize energy savings from these products. If you’re building a new home, a contractor with these credentials can also help construct it for comfort and efficiency from the ground up.

For more information on installing a new heating and cooling system with the coveted Energy Star logo, contact E. Smith Heating & Air Conditioning at (678) 369-8866.

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