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4 Tech Tips to Create Healthy Home Heating


A home heating system has some fairly basic components: a centralized heat source, ducts to move the heat through the house, and appliances that transfer the heat into the rooms. Ensuring that your Kennesaw, Georgia, home heating system does its job also involves making sure that it’s keeping your home healthy in the process. Installing a programmable thermostat, cleaning and properly sealing ductwork, and upgrading to a state-of-the-art home heating system are some ways you can maintain a healthy home heating system. 

Install a Programmable Thermostat

Programmable thermostats adjust temperature settings according to a preset schedule. A programmable thermostat can allow you to drop temperatures a few degrees at timed intervals to keep dry heat from building up in your home. Very dry household air can make people feel colder and be uncomfortable for allergy and cold sufferers.

Clean and Properly Seal Ductwork

Every two to five years, ask a heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) professional certified by the National Air Duct Cleaners Association to inspect your home’s ductwork. Dirty air ducts and improperly sealed ductwork can create problems with your home’s indoor air quality by allowing dust to circulate throughout your home. Smokers and pet owners should plan to have their homes’ ducts inspected more often.

Upgrade to a State-of-the-Art Home Heating System

Outdated, inefficient home heating systems are not only energy drains, but also drains on your household budget. They contribute to poor heat transfer from your home’s heat source to the rooms of your home. A state-of-the-art home heating system can allow you to better manage temperatures inside your home so that you can eliminate hot spots in some areas and drafts in others.

Clean the Furnace Filter Monthly

During the cold-weather season, clean the furnace filter monthly. First turn off the furnace, then find the furnace filter. If you have a metal or plastic filter, clean it with water, let it dry, and replace it. If you have a disposable fiberglass filter, replace it with a new one.

Keep your home heating system functioning properly with help from our E. Smith Heating & Air Conditioning professionals. To schedule a maintenance visit, call 678-369-8866.

Image provided by Bigstock

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