You have turned your furnace on in your Austell, Georgia, home, but now you are hearing funny noises. Some sounds are normal, but if you are hearing consistently strange ones, you need to have your furnace looked at. Here are four common furnace noises you may hear and how preventive maintenance can help you avoid costly repairs.
Squealing or Screeching Sounds
If you hear a noise that sounds like nails on a chalkboard, such as a screech or a squeal, it could mean the blower wheel is having issues. The wheel may have come loose from the motor shaft, been broken, and is hitting the sides of the furnace. In addition, screeching noises could indicate a bad motor blower or belt.
Humming Noises in Your Furnace
Humming from your heating system is not normal and could be a malfunctioning starting capacitor or another issue with the motor itself. Continuing to use your furnace with a loud humming sound could result in a blown motor.
Thwapping Sounds
If you hear a thwapping sound, similar to playing cards on a bicycle spoke, there is probably something stuck in the blower blades. If the object dislodges, it could fly around the housing and cause damage.
Loud Pops or Bangs
Popping sounds are somewhat normal as the sheet metal in the ductwork cools and heats. However, if there are excessive pops and you are not receiving warm air, there could be a problem with the ignition system. If the burners are dirty, they will allow gas to escape into the housing but won’t light at the burner and can explode. This is a very dangerous situation and the heating system must be shut off and looked at immediately.
Heating systems are complex, with many parts and fuel involved. If you notice unusual sounds, turn the furnace off and have it inspected before turning it back on to prevent permanent damage.
If your furnace is not heating properly and is making funny noises, give E. Smith Heating & Air Conditioning a call today at 678-369-8866.
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