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4 Indoor Air Quality Solutions Perfect for the Office


As a responsible business owner in Marietta, Georgia, you should take steps to ensure you have good indoor air quality for your employees. Allergens and pollutants in the air can lead to lost days due to illness and higher insurance costs for your company. Take a look at these four solutions that will help you and your staff breathe a little easier.

Improve the Ventilation

One of the easiest things you can to improve indoor air quality in your office is check to see if vents and air grilles are blocked. Removing obstructions allows the air to circulate and flow more freely. Your building’s HVAC system is designed to provide clean, temperature-controlled air to a building’s occupants. If the ventilation system isn’t working properly, you can see problems such as mold, odors, and high concentrations of allergens such as dust. We can take a look at your ventilation system if you have any of these concerns.

Check for Access to an Outside Air Supply

When an HVAC system works properly, it brings in air from outside. This outside air helps dilute odors, dust, and pollutants that come from machinery, equipment, building materials, and other sources. Having trouble confirming that your system is adequately circulating outside air? We can inspect your HVAC system to ensure it’s pulling in the right amount of outdoor air.

Replace Air Filters

For little money, you can replace the air filters in your HVAC system to ensure allergens, debris, and dust are getting screened out of the air. Because some office buildings have old or sophisticated HVAC setups, we can help you change air filters quickly to improve your office’s indoor air quality.

Have Your HVAC System Tuned Up

With regular tuneups, your HVAC system will stay in good working order. That means it will circulate air, provide adequate ventilation, and bring in outdoor air.

If you’re looking for help with improving the indoor air quality of your office in Marietta, Georgia, we can offer advice. Get in touch with E. Smith Heating and Air by calling 678-369-8866.

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