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3 Expensive Energy-Wasting Habits


Originally published in April 2017, updated May 2020.

If your heating and cooling bills in your Milton, Georgia, home keep creeping up every month, you may be guilty of some expensive energy-wasting habits. But you can break these energy-wasting habits, such as using outdated light bulbs, not monitoring your HVAC system use, and continually leaving electronics plugged in.

Do You Use Outdated Light Bulbs?

Traditional incandescent light bulbs waste energy. While they may still be in use in many households, swapping them out for LED or halogen bulbs can save you money. LED bulbs are the most expensive options, but they will pay for themselves over time based on energy conservation. In fact, a single LED bulb will last up to 25 times longer while using 80 percent less energy than an incandescent bulb of the same wattage.

Do You Know How You’re Heating and Cooling Your Home?

On average, the air conditioning and heating system within your home accounts for nearly half of a home’s energy bills. If you allow the HVAC system to run when you’re at work or away from home, you’ll end up wasting money and energy. One simple change you can make is to install and use a programmable thermostat to allow your home to cool and warm at times of the day when you’re not at home. But to save even more money, invest in a smart thermostat that can monitor your air conditioning and heating usage and make adjustments accordingly.

Do You Leave Electronics Continually Plugged In? 

Leaving your TV, sound system, mobile device chargers, and appliances plugged in at all times can also waste energy. For example, if you have an older stereo system, you can spend $67 per year if you leave it in standby mode. Conserve energy by unplugging devices when you’re not actively using them.

By properly maintaining your home’s HVAC system, you can make sure you’re using energy to heat and cool your home wisely. If it’s time for HVAC system maintenance to ensure energy efficiency, call our office and schedule an appointment.

Image provided by Shutterstock

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